Tips to Sleep Better

Woman having trouble sleeping
There are many benefits to a good night's sleep such as better concentration and the ability to get more done without being tired. These are popular things that almost everyone knows as benefits to a good night's sleep. There are also many benefits to a good night's sleep that not as many people know about and you might be surprised to learn. Getting enough sleep can benefit you in different ways such as reducing your risk for obesity, helping you better manage the stress in your life and enabling you to get a more comfortable, restful sleep.

Multiple studies have shown that overweight people sleep less than people that are of a normal weight. Lack of sleep can affect all of the systems of your body. 

While your memory and ability to function using basic motor skills are the most common systems that are affected, your body weight and metabolism can also be affected. Getting the appropriate amount of sleep for your age is important to allow your metabolism and digestive system to function properly. It is also important to remember a few simple rules about sleeping and weight gain:
  • Do not eat two hours before bed.
  • Make sure your last meal is your smallest and your first meal is your largest.
  • If you are tired, food can be used to keep you awake. Just be sure that it is the right kind of food such as refreshing fruit and ice cold water.
Most people experience stress and depression at some point in their life. It is an everyday event that is virtually unavoidable but is manageable. Getting more sleep may seem counterproductive to reducing stress because it means you have less awake time to get things done, manage projects and complete all of your tasks. This is not true. Getting a good night's sleep will allow you to better plan your day and work around issues and road blocks that may come up creating stress. More sleep may not reduce your amount of stress but it will allow you to better manage the stress in your life.

Getting a good night's sleep will actually improve your regular, everyday sleeping patterns. If you get a good night's sleep for a few nights your body will adjust to it and will begin thinking of it as a routine. Humans are habitual creatures and will begin to adjust to a routine or habit in a very small amount of time. Getting more sleep can actually enable you to get more sleep. It may not make sense because it seems rhetorical, but the more sleep you get and the better quality it is, the more restful the rest of your nights will begin to come.

Whether you are looking for ways to improve your life or you are deciding on what things will benefit you from a better night's sleep, all of these ways will certainly help everyone in the world. Even if you think you do not suffer from stress or are a healthy weight, you may need to get on a better sleep schedule. If you begin getting an easy, restful sleep every night, you will most likely see an quick improvement in your everyday life.

Now that you know how more sleep can improve your life, the major question is how to get a better night's sleep. There are many different ways that people choose to fix their sleeping habits and it is important to find one that works for you. Every person's body is different, so everyone will not have the same sleep improvement methods and some may work for you for a while and then stop working. Some of the most popular ways to improve sleep are:

  • Do not eat before going to bed.
  • Make sure your bedroom is a relaxing environment.
  • Try to remove any distractions that could keep you from falling asleep and staying asleep.
  • Do not rely on your television or radio to fall asleep. While it may be hard at first, it will get easier and lead to a better night's sleep.
  • Try to use your bedroom for sleep and do not do other daily activities in it.
I hope you find these tips useful and easy to implement to start your way towards a better night's sleep.

Dr. Donna Sergi,
Brooklyn Chiropractor


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