Improving Your Health with Brain Foods

Improving Your Health with Brain Foods
Let's face it; you're busy. Life is non-stop, and sometimes it can be hard to keep up. Keeping your mind sharp so that you can excel at the daily grind can be challenging. One way to improve your mind is with the help of nature's brain foods. Brain foods, or superfoods, are foods that have shown to improve the function of the brain.


One of the most impressive brain foods is the blueberry. Blueberries, consumed in any form, whether they are frozen, fresh or even freeze-dried can provide your brain with protection against age-related conditions. The fruit is a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain from oxidative stress and reduces the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, blueberries improve the blood flow to and from the brain giving it more power to function.


Much like the blueberry, pomegranates provide the brain with protection against free radicals. Pomegranates assist in improving blood flow to the brain, giving so that it can better function. The potency of pomegranate as an antioxidant is such that you only need as little as 2 ounces a day to make major improvements in brain function.

Nuts and Seeds

Maybe one of the easiest to implement into your daily life, nuts, and seeds are a high source of vitamin E, another antioxidant vitamin. This vitamin works to protect the brain from declining cognitively over time. Some of the best nuts and seeds for brain power include cashews, almonds, peanuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, flaxseed, sunflower seeds and sesame seed. These can be eaten as is or in a butter or paste. It also doesn't make a difference if the nuts and seeds are cooked or raw. Care should be taken with regard to the salt content of the nuts and seeds, particularly for individuals that are on a sodium-reduced diet.


Another excellent brain food is fish, deep water fish in particular. Fish such as wild salmon, sardines, albacore tuna, lake trout, mackerel, and herring can provide the body with needed omega-3s. The omega-3s reduce inflammation as well as reduce the risk of a number of illnesses such heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. These are essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own and can only be obtained through the food consumed. It is also believed that the omega-3s can improve brain memory function, attention span as well as depression and other mood-related issues.


Perhaps the most overlooked of the brain foods is the bean. Beans assist in keeping blood sugar levels even. Since the brain needs glucose as a fuel to function more effectively, beans can be a great benefit. In addition to being a brain food, beans are very affordable and can fit into many recipes. Some of the best options for beans are lentils, black beans, and white beans. These are lower in sugar and do the job well.

Dark Chocolate

You may have noticed that many energy bars and snacks now have dark chocolate in them. The reason for this is because the dark chocolate contains caffeine and is also a powerful antioxidant. In moderation, dark chocolate staves off free radicals and improves the blood flow through the body and to the brain. Adding natural and high-quality dark chocolate to your day in small quantities can be very beneficial to improving your brain function.


While avocados are high in fat content, they are also an excellent source of antioxidant. The fruit is excellent for improving blood flow, providing the brain with improved cognitive function while reducing blood pressure, promoting even further brain function.

Whole Grains

As a source of improved brain function that is often overlooked, whole grains can improve blood flow. This improved blood flow can, in turn, provide the brain with the help it needs to function efficiently. Foods such as brown rice, oatmeal, and multi-grain or whole grain bread can make a big difference in the function of the brain and in reducing the risk of heart disease.


While it isn't wise to indulge in caffeine in excess, a few cups of tea that is fresh brewed (loose tea) can be useful in improving brain function. The tea can be either hot or iced and should be of a class of tea known as catechins. While the fact that tea contains caffeine obviously helps in improved awareness and energy levels, catechins are also important. The catechins function as antioxidants assisting with improving blood flow to the brain.

While over-the-counter supplements can be of great value in keeping healthy, you can also add a wide range of foods to your diet that will improve your brain function. Be sure to consider the quality of the foods that you are eating and take into consideration how much you are consuming.

About the Author

Dr. Donna Sergi is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in Brooklyn NY who also helps her patients overcome severe and chronic illness with Nutrition Response Testing. Learn more by visiting her website at

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