The Health Benefits of Catalyn

Standard Process Catalyn supplement made from whole foodsWe all need sources of vitamins and minerals to get us through the day, to energize our weakened immune systems and end that washed-out feeling after a tough workout or a hard days work. Multivitamins are a logical solution, but we don't always fully absorb the contents of capsules and pills made from chemically produced products.

It's a far more elegant solution to find a daily intake of vitamins from a source created by the greatest chemical engineer of all, Mother Nature. This is the role of Standard Process Catalyn, to provide easy to absorb nutrients from a formulation of whole food ingredients.

It's a route to health and vitality that's already proven every single day as healthy bodies eat organic foods grown under the bright sun, sheltered by tall trees and fed by moist, nutrient-rich soil.

The Vitamin Absorption Question

Compressed pills full of vitamins are imagined by consumers as melting away in our stomachs after being swallowed with a sip of water. We follow that path of imagination, seeing the remains of the pill being distilled into powerful chemicals that add healthy energy to our critical systems, but the truth is a little different from this colorful image.

Woman with stomach pain due to digestive problems
The facts say that many of these expensive multivitamin pills simply pass straight through our digestive tracts, never being absorbed. In that case, any benefits we feel are likely only imagined, felt as a psychosomatic effect.

Standard Process Catalyn resolves this issue, using ingredients of natural foods that are known to be absorbed along with all the protein and carbohydrates we eat on a daily basis.

The naturally-occurring  minerals and vitamins easily digest because they're made from the same plant and animal products our systems have evolved to metabolize.

The Benefits of Standard Process Catalyn

The complex molecules of vitamins within Catalyn haven't been created in some laboratory environment or simulated by an unnatural clinical process. They're distilled packages of Vitamin A and C, essential supplements found in fruit, vegetation and meat.

The pills are little powerhouses full of various forms of vitamin B and thiamine, components responsible for supporting a balanced nervous system and a strong immune system. Riboflavin, another of the B-complex vitamins, aids in energy production and cleansing the body of free radicals. In fact, the natural ingredients of Catalyn all work in concert to act as a powerful series of antioxidants. They counteract the damage done by unhealthy foods, promoting a glow to skin and the harmony needed by every internal organ to function properly.

Living on a Daily Regimen of Catalyn

Expect to feel a consistent boost of energy when taking Standard Process Catalyn daily. And, unlike a scenario where other multivitamins are consumed, the effects will come faster and with no strain to a sensitive digestive system. That's the promise of natural ingredients. Immune system illnesses are banished, eradicating the frustration of a sinus infection or a urinary tract infection. Bloating due to imbalances in digestive enzymes is rapidly mitigated, and general health undergoes a complete transformation, promoting faster healing, denser bones, and a healthy heart.

Consult a physician, ramp up a workout, and add Catalyn to the mix to maximize energy during the fitness training. Of course, just adding the food-based multivitamin as a healthy balance to a less active lifestyle will also see noticeable results in energy production.

A Synergistic Multivitamin

There's a joy and a sense of balance when properly blending the word natural with a multivitamin product. Standard Process Catalyn adopts a stance where health comes from what we're already consuming, cutting out the unhealthy parts of that diet to leave behind a rich formulation of plant and meat extracts. Compare the benefits and effects with that of a synthetic multivitamin, and discover the significant differences between the two products.

We were never meant to absorb our daily requirement of nutrients from an aggregate of scientifically engineered chemicals, no matter how well-researched and concentrated those marketed pills may be. The human body is built to digest and metabolize food, and this is the true advantage of purchasing Catalyn, to deliver every nutrient and mineral needed, naturally and harmoniously.

Dr. Donna Sergi,
Brooklyn Chiropractor


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