10 Things You Didn't Know About Dieting

Woman cooking healthy with her daughter.
Dieting is much more than slimming down; it is the implementation of a healthier lifestyle. Changing the way you eat, however; can be a difficult thing to do so here are a few things that you should know before you begin your journey to a healthier you.

1. You Do Not Need To Skip the Drive-Through
Fast food has become more than processed cheeseburgers and fries.  They now offer healthy baked chicken sandwiches, salads and even fruit, so you do not need to have a long, sit-down lunch to stick to your diet.

2. It is OK to Cheat, A Little
Ok, one candy bar will not kill you, and it will not add 100 pounds to you either. It is alright to cheat and have yourself a little treat occasionally as long as it is not overdone. The trick? Set a goal for yourself and when you hit your goal, give yourself a treat. This gives you motivation and will help ease the crankiness that most people experience while dieting.

3. It is Not About Weight
Dieting is rarely actually about weight. The truth is, you can be overweight and still eat right and be healthy. At the same time, you can also be skinny and be unhealthy and need to change the way you eat. It is about healthy living, not about weight.

4. Do Not Cut Out All Meats
Some people think that red meat is bad for you and should be cut out of your diet altogether in order to be healthy. This is absolutely wrong! The fact is, red meat actually provides necessary nutrients and proteins. The trick is to keep it healthy, do not eat red meat that is undercooked, dripping in fat. Cut off the fat or buy lean meat from the store and cook it until it is no longer pink.

5. Sugary Sweets? Yes Please!
Under no circumstances, should you go out and binge-eat on candy bars and bonbons because they might be healthy, they are not. The good news is that there are other things you can eat that will cure your craving for sugar the natural way. Fruits like strawberries and bananas provide you with a natural way to get your sweet fix, and they are very good for you, too!

6. More than Changing the Way You Eat
Dieting is more than just stopping the unhealthy diet. It is creating a healthy way of life for you and your family. You cannot get healthy by changing the way you eat but not the way you live. Get outside, exercise and make sure you get your heart racing at least three times a week. You do not even need a gym membership; mowing the lawn, walking around the block or hiking is all the exercise you need.

7. No Shame in Support
Anybody who wants to get healthy should not feel ashamed about it. There are nationwide support groups in just about every community as well as online groups that will help you get through your cravings. They offer support in exercise and eating habits and most even offer up their own delicious, healthy recipes for you to try. When you are trying to change your lifestyle, it is not easy, and there is nothing wrong with asking for a little help along the way.

8. Don't Give Into Fads
Fads fade and generally they do not work. The best thing to do is to go back to the four basic food groups. Stick with what tradition has taught us, and you will be well on your way to a healthy way of living. Also, consider subscribing to a prepared meal healthy diet plan. These services do all the measuring and preparation for you, which can be a great advantage to starting a new lifestyle.

9. Set an Example
You are your kids' best role model. They are looking up to you for advice on how to live, how to look and how they see themselves. When they see their parents making a decision to live healthier, then they will also want to live healthier. They will be guided to make the right choices based on what you choose. When you choose the healthy lifestyle, no matter what your body type is, your kids will see that you not only love yourself and the way you look, but you also want to be healthy so you can be around for years to come for them.

10. Better Late than Never
Some people struggle with changing a lifestyle later in life, but the old saying still runs true; it is better late than never. It is never too late to change the way you live and improve yourself and your health.

Dieting is a lifestyle change; it is not something that you can do for two weeks, lose a few pounds and go back to how you were before. It is something that you need to do for yourself and for your lifestyle. Follow these tips and you will be successful in your journey to a healthier way of living. You will look great and feel great, too.

Dr. Donna Sergi is a leading Brooklyn Chiropractor and Practitioner of Nutrition Response Testing. Learn more by visiting her website at: http://www.healthieruny.com


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