Five Great Tips to Prevent Illness This Winter

Woman Sick in the Winter
During the winter season our bodies are more prone to illness than any other time of the year. A lack of sunshine and fresh air, confined spaces, and less exercise all contribute to becoming sick more often. There are ways to ward off the dreaded illnesses such as the flu and common cold. The following are five great tips to prevent illness this winter.

Wash Hands

This is something we've been told since we were young children, but it is the best piece of advice there is when it comes to preventing winter illnesses. Public areas are filled with contagious bacteria and viruses. The largest source of infection comes from our hands. We constantly touch these contagious areas, and then we tend to inadvertently touch the food we are eating or rub our eyes. This is the number one way we introduce these infections to our bodies. Frequently washing our hands with soap and water is our best defense.

Avoid Being Around Those Who Are Sick

When people are sick, they are highly contagious. If possible, avoid those who are ill. Unfortunately, coworkers and others we come in contact with don't always stay home when they are ill. During the winter months, we find ourselves confined to the indoors with these infected people. In other situations, we find ourselves as the caregivers to family members who have taken ill. If you can't avoid these individuals, remember to frequently wash your hands.

Get Enough Sleep

While sleeping our bodies recharge and our immune system replenishes itself after spending the day protecting us from microscopic contagious invaders. When we don't get enough sleep, our body is more likely to get infected.

Keep Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. The body works its best when it is well hydrated, avoiding complications such as Constipation. Each of us is made up of 60% water. We continually use water for all of our vital functions. To stay at your optimum health, rehydrate your body frequently by drinking plenty of water.

Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks consume the natural resources that we use to fight infection.

Get the Proper Nutrition

Eat fruits and vegetables. Produce is high in vitamins that our bodies require to stay healthy. Making sure your body gets the nutrients it needs to avoid illness is critical. Many factors can stop us from getting proper nutrition in the winter months. This can be due to Food Allergies, a lack of fresh produce, or the habit of filling up on more junk food. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables will ensure you achieve the recommended amounts of vitamins needed.

You can use supplements to make up for any vitamins your diet is lacking due to Food Allergies, or whatever you are not consuming enough of, especially Vitamin D. It is extremely important during the winter season to have enough Vitamin D. In the winter time we don't get as much natural Vitamin D from the sun as we do in the summer months. With so much time spent indoors, not to mention the shorter days, a Vitamin D supplement is beneficial.

Use probiotics as supplements too. They are made up of live bacteria that balance the bacteria found in your digestive tract. Once the balance is maintained, we are less likely to become infected by viruses or experience digestive problems such as Constipation.

By following the above five tips you can greatly increase your chances of preventing illness this winter. Each one is terrific advice for anyone who wants to remain healthy.

Dr. Donna Sergi,
Brooklyn Chiropractor


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