Should You Get the Flu Shot?

Should You Get the Flu Shot?
The flu shot is a vaccine that you are injected with to reduce the risk of getting the flu virus. "Experts" recommend that anyone above the age of 6 months should get one every year from around September to May. They claim the flu vaccine contains dead or inactive forms of the flu virus that will ensure you do not contract, or pass, the virus to anyone else.

Sounds good right? But why is the government, so determined to make it mandatory to receive the vaccine? Research shows there is no evidence the flu shot reduces transmission rates. Reports are there, yes, but not enough to document it as fact.

Pharmaceutical companies earn in the billions annually from flu shot sales.

  • The alliance for national health reported that the federal government invested $400 million of taxpayers' money in vaccine giants such as Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline to develop new vaccines in 2012 alone.
  • JPMorgan investment bank estimated that in 2009 alone, pharmaceutical corporations made $10-$15 billion in profits from swine flu vaccine alone.
These figures are mind-blowing, but how about we look at the actual implications of getting injected with the vaccine.

The first thing to consider is the relatively short protection period that the shot offers you protection. At most, the vaccination effect lasts six months, and when you receive the shot, it takes two weeks for it to kick in.

Contains Neurotoxic Ingredients - Many of these vaccines have an ingredient known as thimerosal (Mercury). Some of them are:

  • Afluria CSL (For Merck)
  • FluLaval (By GlaxoSmithKline)
  • Fluvirin (By Novartis)
  • Fluzone (Sanofi Pasteur)
Mercury can cause neurological problems, especially to children, even in small doses. Another report indicated that the relationship between mercury doses and autism was linear and statistically significant.

Fetal Deaths - The number of fetal deaths reported as a result of flu shots has increased exponentially. A study by the Human and Environmental Toxicology Journal reported a 4,250% increase in miscarriages during the flu season of 2009/2010. Coincidentally, this is the same season that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had recommended that pregnant mothers be given two flu shots.

Narcolepsy - During the H1N1 (Bird Flu) pandemic, flu shots were distributed like crazy without explaining the possible long-term side effects. Recent studies are now connecting cases of narcolepsy to the vaccine. Studies that were undertaken in Finland stated that they observed a 17 times increase in narcolepsy cases in 2010 as compared to other years.

Pharmaceutical Companies Are Protected - In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed. The law states that you cannot sue a pharmaceutical company on the grounds of their vaccine harming your child.

You Shed the Virus after Vaccination - Reports from the Centers for Disease Control website show that people vaccinated with the live-attenuated influenza vaccine typically shed the viruses from the vaccines.

Chances of Getting the Flu are High - Reports indicate that getting vaccinated predisposes you to contract the flu. Another study observed that there was a positive correlation between the seasonal influenza vaccine and the confirmed H1N1.

We cannot entirely knock off the vaccine's potential for preventing the flu. However, there has been enough research done to show that the risks involved outweigh the benefits. When it comes to getting yourself injected, it's always a good idea to be sure of what is getting into your system.

Proper Immune System Health

There are other natural alternatives that you could consider to help yourself avoid getting the flu, and they all focus on building and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Elderberry Syrup - Elderberries have immune-enhancing properties. They prevent and help you recover from the flu.

Vitamin D - If you have low vitamin D levels, you'll be more susceptible to the flu. You can get the vitamin from the sun, cod liver oil, cheese, and milk.

Zinc - Zinc helps cut down the length of the sickness and also reduces the severity of the symptoms. You can get it from seafood and beans.

Diet and Exercise - Eating whole foods and a proper exercise regimen will keep your immune system at optimal performance.

About the Author

Dr. Donna Sergi is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in Brooklyn NY who also helps her patients overcome severe and chronic illness with Nutrition Response Testing. Learn more by visiting her website at

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