Kick the Sugar Habit

Kick the Sugar Habit
Everyone loves that sweet treat, whether it is a little snack in the afternoon or the dessert you just can't resist. While a small sugary pick-me-up might seem like a "must-have" in the afternoon hours, consider what that treat is doing to your body. Often associated with weight gain, there are other factors related to indulging in sugar frequently.

Toxic to Liver - Sugar has shown to have a similar toxic result on the liver to that of alcohol. The excess glucose that it causes your body to produce can be troublesome for the liver to filter.

Heart Damage - Large and consistent amounts of sugar can put undue stress on your heart when it enters the bloodstream. This stress can cause the muscle function of the heart to malfunction. The damage can lead to heart attack.

Brain Health - Excess sugar over long periods of time have shown to be dangerous to the way your brain retains memories. It has an adverse effect on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a chemical within the brain that helps to maintain memories. Additionally, high levels of sugar can cause dementia and depression in some individuals.

Skin Health - Individuals that consume a great deal of sugar over a regular period of time can experience inflammation throughout the body which causes skin damage, reducing the elasticity of the skin. This can cause wrinkles and sagging of the skin all over your body.

Joint Damage - The same pulse of inflammation that can cause skin damage can also cause joint damage. This can produce pain, and it is recommended that individuals who have arthritis reduce their intake of sugar and keep their glucose levels low.

Erectile Dysfunction - Those individuals with elevated blood sugar, such as diabetics, can find it difficult to maintain an erection due to the interruption of the enzyme needed to complete the process. Additionally, those individuals consuming large amounts of sugar can disrupt the levels of active sex testosterone and estrogen in the body.

Diabetes - Most people are aware that excessive sugar can prime the body for becoming diabetic. With the increase in sugar comes an increase in glucose production in the body providing the perfect condition for diabetes to emerge.

Pancreas Damage - The pancreas produces insulin within the body. When putting excess sugar into the body, you can expect the body to respond improperly to the insulin production. This forces the pancreas to create additional insulin, which is too much work for the pancreas to keep up with causing it to fail and blood sugar levels to skyrocket.

Tooth Decay - You've undoubtedly heard that sweets can cause your teeth to rot. This is true. The bacteria are drawn to the sugar that remains in your mouth after you indulge in a sweet treat. Excessive tooth decay can lead to excessive loss of teeth and gum disease.

These are just a few of the reasons to kick the sugar habit for good. That doesn't mean you have to remove it from your lifestyle completely. It's important to remember that while you may add sugar to your cooking and drinks, there are some natural sugars in your food as well. These sugars, while necessary in some capacity, are part of the equation.

There are a few things you can do to try and fill the cravings for sugar without subjecting your body to the damage. Avoid sugar craving by:
  • Consuming 15 to 25 grams of protein with each meal
  • Consuming 1 good fat per meal
  • Consuming at least 1 leafy vegetable per meal
  • Do not bring sugary foods into your home
  • Look at food labels to be aware of how much sugar is in the food you are eating
  • Slowly decrease your sugar intake
  • Decreasing your stress by knowing your triggers
  • Exercise
When trying to remove sugar from your diet, remember to look at the labels of the food that you purchase. You will likely be shocked by the amount of sugar that is found in many of the foods in your kitchen cabinets.

It is not recommended that the average person of average weight add more than six teaspoons (25 grams, 100 calories) of sugar for a woman or nine teaspoons (36 grams, 150 calories) for a man. Take the time to make sure you know how much sugar you and your family are putting into your daily diet. Talk to your healthcare practitioner to find out if your sugar cravings are causing your fatigue, anxiety, sore, achy joints, and irritability.

About the Author

Dr. Donna Sergi is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in Brooklyn NY who also helps her patients overcome severe and chronic illness with Nutrition Response Testing. Learn more by visiting her website at

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