
Showing posts from June, 2017

What are the Health Differences Between Smoothies and Juicing?

Over the past decade or so, both smoothies and juicing have become increasingly popular among both everyday people and fitness gurus alike due to their nutritious content, creativity, and fast nutrient absorption. However, what most people do not know is that, though both drinks offer a convenient, satisfying way to get your full day's worth of fruits, veggies, and more, they are not created equal. In fact, the following comparisons will help you understand the health benefits between the two. Both Juicing and Smoothies Make It Easier to Consume More Fruits and Veggies Both juicing and smoothies offer a convenient way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, which is good for you. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables alone are enough to ward off many illnesses. In fact, studies show that consuming five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily can decrease the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease as well as reduce the possibility of stroke by approximate