
Showing posts from 2014

Tips for Losing Weight Naturally

Obesity is a major problem in our nation. Over half of the popular is currently over-weight. This means you aren't alone if you're trying to slim down and lead a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, a great deal of the information out there about weight loss is inaccurate and can even be dangerous.  There are so many diet plans and weight loss drugs that it can be both confusing and overwhelming for anyone. How do you know what is right for you? Many people will try a bunch of different approaches only to find that none of them work and that they simply don't get the results they were hoping for. Why You Might Be Struggling To Lose Weight If you've honestly tried to lose weight in the past, but just can't seem to then there are several factors that could be in play. Hormone Imbalance - If your weight gain is around your hips, waist and abdomen then this is usually an indicator of a hormone imbalance. Your hormones actually play a major role in fat st

How to Increase the Immune System

Did you know? We all know that the immune system can help to protect us from viruses, germs and a multitude of chronic illnesses, but did you know that your diet and lifestyle can play a significant role in its ability to do so? There are a host of factors that play a significant role in the performance of your immune system. Get Plenty of Sleep You might have noticed that you seem more susceptible to catching colds or developing other infections when you haven't been getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can not only lead to increased levels of the stress hormone, which is known to suppress the immune system, but it can cause inflammation throughout your body as well. Research suggests that seven to nine hours of sleep each night is an optimal amount for the average adult. Exercise Regularly Not only does regular exercise improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and help you to maintain a healthy body weight, but it helps to protect you against a variety

The Health Benefits of Juicing

Did you know? You have likely heard all of the claims about how juicing is an excellent choice for cleansing or detoxing, but did you know that consuming seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day can have a significant effect on your lifespan? For those of you who don't feel like munching on broccoli all day every day just to reach your quota, juicing can be a welcome alternative. In the juicing world, it seems that many people tend to focus on potential benefits like body cleansing and losing a few unwanted pounds, but in addition to providing possible weight loss and detoxification advantages, juicing offers a multitude of other health benefits as well. Lowered Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke: Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the three leading causes of death. Studies have shown that diets high in raw fruits and vegetables help to lower the risk of developing all three. Give Your Immune System a Boost: Slurping down the juice from a variety of fr

Healthy Snack Options

Did you know? Are you aware that your total suggested daily intake of calories can be consumed in just one snack? So it is important to choose your snack options wisely. Healthy snacks can provide you with the energy you need to get through the day, help keep you fuller longer and aid in weight loss . Healthy Snacks Helps Sustain Energy Levels After you consume a snack high in sugar, your blood sugar levels rise then drop, which can lead to an energy crash and make you feel tired between meals. Healthy snacks, such as a small apple with peanut butter, promote sustained blood and energy levels. The high fiber, high protein combination digests slower in your bloodstream, so your sugar levels don't fluctuate as much. Helps Eliminate Binge Eating Your blood sugar dips within 3 to 5 hours after you eat. Dietitians recommend consuming small, healthy meals every 3 to 5 hours to help stabilize your blood sugar and keep your metabolism revved up, so you don't go into starvat

Healthy Fall Foods To Take Advantage Of

When summer turns into fall, it's a great time to take advantage of some delicious and healthy seasonal foods. The first fall food that comes to mind is probably pumpkins. Pumpkins are versatile and have become an autumn staple in both culinary dishes and in home decor, but there are many other vegetables and fruits that are harvested and ready to eat as the weather gets cooler. Don't forget your seasonal seafood either. The following foods are some of the healthiest options this season: Sweet Potatoes There are many root vegetables that are harvested in the fall, and the most healthy of them all are sweet potatoes. They are fat- and sodium-free and full of vitamin A, fiber and micronutrients. They are actually very distantly related to potatoes and are instead in the nightshade family, but they can be prepared in essentially all the same ways as familiar Idaho or Russet potatoes. Parsnips Parsnips are another fall root vegetable, and they are related to carrots.

What are Environmental Allergies?

Allergies come in all shapes and sizes. They can manifest as slight nasal congestion to not being able to breathe at all with anaphylaxis. Allergies are caused by the body's immune system being hypersensitive to what is normally an innocuous substance such as pet dander, tree pollen or a type of food like seafood. Food and insect bite allergies often cause a different response in the body than allergies such as hay fever. All of the responses are caused by white blood cells reacting to an allergen. Most allergies appear to have a genetic component. Allergies commonly run in families and relatives are likely to share the same allergies. Exposure to common antigens when young seem to also play a role in the development of allergies. Another pattern that has recently emerged regarding allergies is that they are more prevalent in industrialized parts of the world. Different Types of Allergies Many different foods can cause allergic reactions in people. Most all food allergies

The Health Benefits of Catalyn

We all need sources of vitamins and minerals to get us through the day, to energize our weakened immune systems and end that washed-out feeling after a tough workout or a hard days work. Multivitamins are a logical solution, but we don't always fully absorb the contents of capsules and pills made from chemically produced products. It's a far more elegant solution to find a daily intake of vitamins from a source created by the greatest chemical engineer of all, Mother Nature. This is the role of Standard Process Catalyn, to provide easy to absorb nutrients from a formulation of whole food ingredients. It's a route to health and vitality that's already proven every single day as healthy bodies eat organic foods grown under the bright sun, sheltered by tall trees and fed by moist, nutrient-rich soil. The Vitamin Absorption Question Compressed pills full of vitamins are imagined by consumers as melting away in our stomachs after being swallowed with a sip of water. We f

The Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Technically speaking, wheatgrass is wheat. It is a food derived from the common wheat plant. It is used to flavor a number of foods and drinks while it may also be used as medicine. It is used to treat numerous ailments and is also a green food. Green foods are organically grown with minimal synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, so they are better for you. Wheatgrass comes from the cotyledons of the plant and is cultivated and harvested differently than other wheat in order to maximize its nutritional value and other great benefits. What Does Wheatgrass Do? Wheatgrass is a superfood, so it does a lot. It is one of those all-around feel-good foods that boosts your vitality, keeps you healthy and just makes you feel good in your day-to-day life. One of the big things wheatgrass does, is it increases production of hemoglobin, which is the specific chemical in red blood cells that is in charge of carrying oxygen. This obviously helps to oxygenate the body more efficiently, but it also

Getting the Most Health Benefits from Your Salads

Salads are often one of the go-to foods for people trying to eat healthy. If you're trying to prepare your body for the fast-approaching bathing suit season or just trying to live a healthier lifestyle, it is vital that you optimize your salads. The perfect salad is jam-packed with nutrients, it's filling so you don't resort to snacking on a cookie an hour later and most importantly it needs to be delicious. Sometimes salads get a bad rap as being good for you, but bland. Those opposed to salads also say that they don't fill you up, so you can't make them into a meal. These accusations are untrue to say the least. It is more than possible to make a salad into a hearty and a healthy meal. Use these tips, get creative and build the healthiest salad. Salads can be a great meal option jam-packed with nutrients for a healthy lifestyle or natural weight loss plan. Choosing Greens When starting a salad, the first ingredient you need to choose are your greens. Ic

10 Herbal Teas to Add to Your Diet

Like many, you probably get up in the morning and have a cup or two of coffee to start your day. Americans are obsessed with coffee, consuming a mind-blowing 400 million cups per day. If you are looking to change your routine, add some variety to your life or give yourself a bonus health boost then herbal teas are well worth consideration as an alternative. The varied and tasty herbal teas available contain antioxidants to help eliminate harmful free radicals. Teas also contain flavonoids to fight off diseases. You can combat high cholesterol, reduce blood clots and lower your risk of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. They may even have some anti-inflammatory properties, be able to help your seasonal allergies and reduce your risk of cancer too. Like coffee, a lot of teas still provide you with your much-needed boost to wake up in the morning, even if they do not contain caffeine. Herbal teas come in an array of flavors and each has additional specific benefits t

8 Great Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Consider This Spring

This winter was associated with exceptionally cold weather and a lot of snow. The weather can definitely be a powerful force when it comes to hampering plans for a more active lifestyle. It makes it hard to get out of bed when you know that it's cold, and it can seem like a hassle to go to the gym. You definitely don't want to go for a run in the snow. This spring will put an end to those excuses as well as give you some great reasons to commit to that healthier lifestyle or improve your healthy lifestyle. Wake Up Earlier Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are healthier than those who sleep in. The early morning spring sunlight will give you an added dose of Vitamin D and also improve your mood. You'll also find that you have time to have a leisurely breakfast, cup of tea and maybe even time for a workout before work. Morning Stretches A simple stretching routine in the morning will help to get your blood flowing. You don't need an intense rout

Five Great Tips to Prevent Illness This Winter

During the winter season our bodies are more prone to illness than any other time of the year. A lack of sunshine and fresh air, confined spaces, and less exercise all contribute to becoming sick more often. There are ways to ward off the dreaded illnesses such as the flu and common cold. The following are five great tips to prevent illness this winter. Wash Hands This is something we've been told since we were young children, but it is the best piece of advice there is when it comes to preventing winter illnesses. Public areas are filled with contagious bacteria and viruses. The largest source of infection comes from our hands. We constantly touch these contagious areas, and then we tend to inadvertently touch the food we are eating or rub our eyes. This is the number one way we introduce these infections to our bodies. Frequently washing our hands with soap and water is our best defense. Avoid Being Around Those Who Are Sick When people are sick, they are highly conta